R&D Tax Credit Underutilized by Construction Contractors
AAFCPAs would like to make construction clients aware of potential tax savings that are available to contractors through the use of Research & Development (R&D) Tax Credits. The R&D Tax Credit is a government-sponsored tax incentive that rewards companies for conducting R&D in the United States. It is a common misconception that the R&D credit […]
MA Launches Stimulus Program to Boost Small Businesses
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker has announced a new $50.8 million grant program for Massachusetts small businesses experiencing adverse impact from the pandemic. AAFCPAs’ client Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) will be administering these funds to businesses experiencing economic hardship and a loss of income due to COVID-19. […]
AAFCPAs Releases 2019-2020 Tax Planning Guide for Businesses & Individuals
As we approach the second tax filing season under the monumental Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA), we now have a clearer and broader view of what the future holds for businesses, individuals, tax exempt and government entities. This view includes insight into opportunities and pitfalls to consider for 2019-2020. Download AAFCPAs’ 2019-2020 Tax Planning Guide for […]
AAFCPAs’ Dan Stanhope Attains Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional
AAFCPAs’ Partner Dan Stanhope, CPA, MSA has been awarded the Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) credential issued by the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFP). Dan was awarded the CCIFP credential in recognition of his earned expertise in the complex specialty of construction accounting and financial management. The rigorous credentialing exam verified […]

AAFCPAs Guidance for Contractors: Best Practices For Optimizing The Balance Sheet For Users Of Your Financials
AAFCPAs reminds readers of the critical importance of the balance sheet, and advises our construction clients to ensure their presentation of this statement of financial position is optimized in order to demonstrate a solid foundation. Your balance sheet provides a ‘snapshot’ of your company’s financial position at a single point in time, and provides critical […]
AAFCPAs Shares Valuable Tax Insights in 2017 Year-End Corporate and Individual Tax Planning Webinar
AAFCPAs presented this webinar on Tuesday, November 14th from 12-1pm in a live, 1-hour corporate and individual tax planning session. As you are aware, there is potential for dramatic changes in Federal and State tax law on the horizon which, more than ever, requires a multi-year approach to tax planning. AAFCPAs’ Richard Weiner, CPA, MST, Bella Amigud, […]

The Benefits of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in Succession Planning
The Professional Contractor | AAFCPAs’ David Consigli, Director of Business Valuations, offers guidance on The Benefits of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in Succession Planning (ref. p22)
Payroll Tax Credit Available To Start-ups
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware of the significant benefits available to small businesses as a result of provisions enacted in the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (“PATH Act”). The Research Credit may now be applied to offset payroll taxes for start-up businesses. Who do these new provisions of the PATH Act […]
Tax Return Due Dates & Filing Extensions Changed
In a 2015 highway funding bill, Congress & the IRS announced changes to due dates for partnership and corporate tax returns, as well as FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), and several other IRS information returns. These changes will affect your 2016 tax filings. AAFCPAs has provided the following summary […]