Carmen Grinkis

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AAF Wealth Management Q2 Market Update

AAF Wealth Management Q2 Market Update

This has been an eventful year for U.S. and global economies. As we close the first half of 2023, U.S. consumers have largely witnessed a slowdown on inflation, while the rest of the world continues to wrestle with it. Domestically, though, we are beginning to see the cumulative effects of the past few years’ economic […]

From the Desk of Carmen Grinkis

From the Desk of Carmen Grinkis

I am very much enjoying this new season of growth and freedom. Yes, there’s the typical turn into summer that gets us out on the water, walking among the blooming coastal foliage and just embracing the beauty of this community. But there’s a different sense this year, as well. After battling through the pandemic and […]

AAF Wealth Management Q1 Market Update

AAF Wealth Management Q1 Market Update

1st Quarter 2023: A Record-setting Start Reflecting on the start of 2023, it strikes us as interesting that we’ve just endured yet another volatile period that has seemingly become the norm for markets during the months of February and March. For the past five years, at least late winter through early spring, market turbulence has come […]

Investment Performance – 2022 Recap.

Investment Performance – 2022 Recap.

As we look back on 2022, there are things for which we can be grateful, but market performance is certainly not one of them. Investment Performance – 2022 Recap. Around the world, few markets provided positive performance in what turned out to be the worst year for US investors since the Great Financial Crisis of […]

Inflationary Pressures on the Decline

Inflationary Pressures on the Decline

Over the past two weeks, economic data have pointed to what may be a change in the stifling inflationary pressures we’ve become accustomed to over the past 2 years. CONSUMER PRICE INDEX RELEASE LEADS TO OPTIMISM… Last Thursday’s release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) readings from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) noted […]

Carmen Grinkis Featured in the Bay Magazine
Carmen Grinkis

Carmen Grinkis Featured in the Bay Magazine

The following content was originally published in The Bay Magazine in November 2022. Carmen is a Wealth Advisor and Co-Managing Partner of AAF Wealth Management, a division of AAFCPAs. Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, has died at the age of 96. She certainly left a legacy in her 70 years on the […]

AAF Wealth Management’s Q3 2022 Market Perspective

AAF Wealth Management’s Q3 2022 Market Perspective

A PROLOGUE TO THE STORY… As we sat down to pen this latest quarterly newsletter, we couldn’t help but think of the opening scene of the movie The Big Short (2015). “IT AIN’T WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW THAT GETS YOU INTO TROUBLE. IT’S WHAT YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT JUST AIN’T SO.” – MARK TWAIN The […]

AAF Wealth Management Q2 Market Update

AAF Wealth Management Q2 Market Update

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou And just like that, we turn the page on another quarter in the markets. Let’s be honest: we can’t turn the page quick enough given the Q1-2 market performance. While stock […]

Carmen Grinkis, Leading Lady Making a Difference in Her Community

Carmen Grinkis, Leading Lady Making a Difference in Her Community

Carmen Grinkis, Ph.D, CLTC, CLU®, CFP® was recently featured in Providence Monthly, Hey Rhody, and The Bay Magazine’s Leading Ladies 2022 spotlight, which included over 100 inspiring, passionate, determined leaders who are making a difference in their Rhode Island communities. Carmen is a Wealth Advisor and Co-Managing Partner of AAF Wealth Management, a division of […]