Uniform Guidance

Federal Funding Pause and Its Implications
Update: Since this blog was published, the Trump administration issued a brief memo, M-25-14, which reads “OMB Memorandum M-25-13 is rescinded,” and directs questions about implementing the president’s executive order to agency general counsels. White House Press Secretary Leavitt said the previous executive orders related to funding reviews are still in effect and will continue to […]

Seminar Recap: Accounting Standards Updates for Nonprofits
During AAFCPAs’ recent Nonprofit Seminar (recorded live, April 2024), Matthew Hutt, CPA, CGMA, Amy Staunton, CPA, and Jennifer A. L’Heureux, CPA briefed approximately 400 attendees on the latest applicable accounting standards updates (ASUs) and how they affect nonprofit organizations. What we covered: The full session was recorded and may be viewed as a webcast at […]

OMB Releases Uniform Guidance Revisions
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released updates to its Uniform Guidance in April 2024. Updates affect non-federal entities that receive Federal awards. The OMB is responsible for the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), which oversees government-wide policies […]

ECF Funds May be Subject to Uniform Guidance Audit
AAFCPAs would like to make Charter School clients aware that funds received under the ECF (Emergency Connectivity Fund) Program are federal funds and must be included in the calculation for determining your need for a Uniform Guidance audit. In May 2021, the ECF program was established by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to distribute ARPA […]
Will Paycheck Protection Program Loans Be Subject to Uniform Guidance for Nonprofit Organizations?
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) includes many provisions that are applicable to nonprofit organizations. One of the provisions is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans which provides 100% Federally guaranteed loans to covered entities who meet certain criteria. A consideration for nonprofit organizations is whether the loans will be subject […]
AAFCPAs’ Hui-Ting Grady, CPA, MBA Earns Advanced Single Audit Certificate
AAFCPAs Assurance Manager Hui-Ting Grady, CPA, MBA is now among an elite group of CPAs in the country who have earned the Advanced Single Audit Certificate from the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)’s Governmental Audit Quality Center. This advance level certificate is designed for auditors with seven or more years of experience in performing and […]
Guidance on How UG Procurement Standards Affect Charter Schools
AAFCPAs’ John Buckley, CPA, CGMA discussed challenges and opportunities facing Charter Schools while attending and presenting at this year’s National Charter School’s Conference in Austin, TX. In conversations, John learned that many schools have yet to formally update their procurement policies to reflect the Uniform Guidance (UG) procurement standards. As a reminder, the grace period for non-federal entities […]
OMB Clarifies Applicability Date for Micro-Purchase and Simplified Acquisition Thresholds Increase
The Uniform Guidance (UG) was issued in 2013 by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and effective on December 26, 2014 for all nonprofit entities. OMB granted a grace period of three full fiscal years for the implementation of the UG procurement standard. Nonprofit entities with a June 30th fiscal year end must […]
OMB Further Extends the Effective Date for the Procurement Standards of the Uniform Guidance
AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that on May 17, 2017, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a correcting amendment extending the effective/applicability date of the procurement standards under the Uniform Guidance (UG). The procurement standards were one of the areas of significant change under the UG, and nonprofits receiving federal […]