Kevin Hodson

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AAF Wealth Management Q2 2024 Market Insights
AAF WM Quarterly Update

AAF Wealth Management Q2 2024 Market Insights

Note: These market insights were written prior to the weekend’s events. We express our sincere condolences to victims of last weekend’s assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. It is another unfortunate example of the uncertainties we face on a global scale. We reaffirm our commitment to our core values of compassion, community care, and […]

From The Desk of Kevin Hodson
From the Desk of Kevin Hodson

From The Desk of Kevin Hodson

During the past few months, we’ve been reviewing client accounts for tax strategies, i.e., losses, and preparing for Q3. I’ve also been having great conversations with clients about the direction of interest rates and inflation. In short, there’s been little movement. The Fed is keeping interest rates at their current levels and projecting just one […]

Overcoming Blockers to Optimize Reserve Funds 2024
Overcoming Blockers to Optimize Reserve Funds

Overcoming Blockers to Optimize Reserve Funds 2024

Overcoming Blockers to Optimize Reserve Funds | Webinar OnDemand Explore the common barriers that make nonprofits hesitant to invest their reserve funds and discover how guidance from seasoned investment professionals can help them navigate these challenges effectively. Watch an informative session that delves into the reasons behind nonprofit reluctance and offers practical strategies for making […]

Q1 2024 Performance Report and Market Insights
AAF WM Quarterly Update

Q1 2024 Performance Report and Market Insights

In an ongoing commitment to keep you abreast on a range of issues that might affect your business, AAFCPAs is pleased to share Q1 2024 Market Insights published by AAF Wealth Management, a wholly owned subsidiary of AAFCPAs. These insights reflect on some of the financial developments in the first quarter of 2024 that influenced […]

From The Desk of Kevin Hodson

From The Desk of Kevin Hodson

As we get the ball rolling in 2024, I’ve been working with clients on IRA contributions and tax filings. I’m also preparing to present at AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Seminar in April. (We sent you an invite recently.) This event is a complimentary day of education we provide annually geared toward our nonprofit clients, primarily heads of […]

AAF Wealth Management Q4 2023 Market Insight
AAF WM Quarterly Update

AAF Wealth Management Q4 2023 Market Insight

Last year was eventful both economically and otherwise, from bank failures in March to Fitch’s downgrade of U.S. government debt, a collapse in inflation, and the Federal Reserve signaling it might end rate hikes. In an ongoing commitment to keep you abreast on a range of issues that might affect you and your business, AAF […]

From the desk of Kevin Hodson

From the desk of Kevin Hodson

On the Desk Closing out 2023, we are reflecting on the continuous noise that permeates the markets. Our long-term approach helps us stay focused, though, as we look past week-to-week disruptions to bigger picture indicators. Interest rate increases, for example, have been on everyone’s mind. We’re less concerned with those trends at this point, as […]

AAF Wealth Management Q3 Market Insight

AAF Wealth Management Q3 Market Insight

The intricacies of market performance are deeply intertwined with various external factors, including inflation, interest rates, political shifts, geopolitical affairs, and natural disasters. This includes, sadly, the current humanitarian crisis in the Middle East. It is heart-breaking to see these events unfold in a region whose people have known such profound suffering for far too […]

From the Desk of Kevin Hodson

From the Desk of Kevin Hodson

On the Desk The Federal Reserve just concluded their most recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on 9/20. In the post-meeting presser Wednesday afternoon, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that the Fed is “close to done raising interest rates.” However, they’re not about to ease up on the Federal Funds Rate which presently stands at 5.25% […]