Davide Villani

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Employee Benefit Plan Risk Update 2024
Employee Benefit Plan Risk Update

Employee Benefit Plan Risk Update 2024

Employee Benefit Plan Risk Update | Webinar OnDemand Watch AAFCPAs’ employee benefit plan and assurance leaders for an engaging quickfire session on the Department of Labor’s 2024 agenda. Gain strategic insights on plan cybersecurity, SECURE 2.0 updates, and the proposed fiduciary advice rule. Leave with knowledge to better manage risk inherent for retirement plan fiduciaries […]

DOL Audit Quality Study Underscores the Need for Specialized EBP CPA

DOL Audit Quality Study Underscores the Need for Specialized EBP CPA

In November 2023, The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) published its Audit Quality Study, which outlines work quality as performed by independent qualified public accountants—specifically in employee benefit plan financial statement audits covered under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) during its 2020 filing year. The administration focused on […]

What Plan Sponsors Need to Know About SECURE 2.0

What Plan Sponsors Need to Know About SECURE 2.0

During AAFCPAs’ recent Nonprofit Seminar (April 2023), Employee Benefit Plan Practice leaders Davide Villani, CPA, CGMA and Shawn P. Huxley, CPA, MSA updated more than 400 attendees on SECURE 2.0 and how it affects plan sponsors. Building on the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019, SECURE 2.0 is designed to […]

IRS Audit Risk Areas for Nonprofit Retirement Plan Sponsors

IRS Audit Risk Areas for Nonprofit Retirement Plan Sponsors

During AAFCPAs’ recent Nonprofit Educational Seminar (April 2023), Employee Benefit Plan Practice leaders Davide Villani, CPA, CGMA and Shawn P. Huxley, CPA, MSA updated  400+ CFO and Executive Director attendees on the IRS’ 2023 strategic focus areas for small exempt organizations that sponsor retirement plans. AAFCPAs audits  180+ plans annually including 401(k) and 403(b) plans, […]

IRS Strategic Focus Area: Small Exempt Organizations that Sponsor Retirement Plans

IRS Strategic Focus Area: Small Exempt Organizations that Sponsor Retirement Plans

As part of its 2023 strategic goals, the IRS plans to review retirement plans of small exempt organizations to determine whether the plan investments are properly administered, whether there are any party-in-interest transactions in the plan trust, and whether any participant loans violate Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 72(p). In this webcast, recorded April 2023 […]

Understanding Secure 2.0, and how it Affects Plan Sponsors

Understanding Secure 2.0, and how it Affects Plan Sponsors

SECURE 2.0—so-called because it builds on the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019—is legislation designed to substantially improve retirement savings accounts, including 401(k)s and 403(b)s, in the U.S. There’s a host of provisions in the bill and in this webcast, recorded April 2023 at AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Educational Seminar. AAFCPAs’ Employee […]

What Fiduciaries Need to Know about Administering Employee Benefit Plans​

What Fiduciaries Need to Know about Administering Employee Benefit Plans​

In this webcast, recorded April 2022 at AAFCPAs’ Nonprofit Educational Seminar, leaders in AAFCPAs’ Employee Benefit Plan Audit & Consulting practice, Shawn Huxley and Davide Villani, provide attendees with what they need to know about their obligations to provide promised benefits and to satisfy ERISA’s requirements for managing and administering private retirement and welfare plans. This includes an […]

Live Session: What Fiduciaries Need to Know about Administering Employee Benefit Plans​ , April 27

Live Session: What Fiduciaries Need to Know about Administering Employee Benefit Plans​ , April 27

AAFCPAs’ Annual Nonprofit Educational Seminar is Virtual Again in 2022! AAFCPAs is offering a full day of educational content (9am – 3pm) designed to educate, challenge, and inspire nonprofit professionals! As a client and/or friend of AAFCPAs, your registration is complimentary. Reserve your seat.>> Featured Session: What Fiduciaries Need to Know about Administering Employee Benefit […]

IRS Provides Guidance on Safe Harbor Plans

IRS Provides Guidance on Safe Harbor Plans

AAFCPAs would like to make clients aware that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2020-86 addressing certain provisions of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act) affecting safe harbor plans, including safe harbor 401(k) plans and certain 403(b) plans. A safe harbor 401(k) plan is similar to […]